Honorary IAC Members
The following experts are former Representatives, now Honorary Members of the IAC, and have have greatly contributed to Teletraffic development and the ITC Institution (in alphabetical order).
- Minoru Akiyama, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
- Mario Bonatti, Retired, Italy
- Onno Boxma, Delft University, The Netherlands
- Prosper Chemouil, Orange Labs, France
- Carles Coles, Retired, UK
- Carlos-Alberto Costa-Nunes, GVT, Brazil
- Maurizio Decina, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Bharat Doshi, John Hopkins University, USA
- Lars Envall, Retired, Denmark
- David Everitt, NICTA, Australia
- Paolo de Ferra, Retired, Italy
- Luigi Fratta, Politecnico University of Milano, Italy
- Oscar Gonzalez-Soto, Consultant, Spain
- Gezà Gosztony, Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Hungary
- Fabrice Guillemin, Orange Labs, France
- Tobias Hossfeld, University of Würzburg, Germany
- Villy-Baek Iversen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Nikhil Jain, Qualcomm Technologies, USA
- Steven S. Katz (1939-2022), USA
- Konosuke Kawashima, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Japan
- Peter Key, MicroSoft Research, UK
- Ulf Körner, Lund University, Sweden
- Paul J. Kühn, Emeritus Chairman, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Jacques Labetoulle, Institut Telecom, France
- Pierre Le Gall, Retired, France,
- Al Lewis, Retired, Canada
- Xiongjian Liang, Beijing Univ. of Post & Telecommunications, China
- Deep Medhi, University of Missouri - Kansas City, United States
- Michael Menth, University of Tuebingen, Germany
- Michela Meo, Politecnico Tororino, Italy
- Vladimir Neiman, Retired, Russia
- Zhisheng Niu, Tsinghua University, China
- Jim O’Shauhnessy, Retired, Canada
- Charlie Pack, Monmouth University, USA
- Clemens W. Pratt, -, Australia
- Philip Richards, NewStep Networks, Canada
- Dario Rossi, Telecom ParisTech, France
- Hiroshi Saito, NTT, Japan
- David Songhurst, -, UK
- Ignat Stanev, Technical Univesity of Sofia, Bulgaria
- Henk Tijms, -, The Netherlands
- Phuoc Tran-Gia, Wuerzburg University, Germany
- Johan (Hans) Van den Berg, TNO and Twente University, The Netherlands
- Benny Van Houdt, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Eduardo Villar, Retired, Spain
- Manuel Villèn-Altamirano, Teleconica I+D, Spain
- Bengt Wallström, -, Sweden
- Patricia Wirth, -, USA
- Jim Yan, Carleton University, Canada