A world map of all congresses is available. A click on the markers in the map provides detailed information. The list of all ITC conferences can be found below. Please click on the link to get detailed information about the selected event.
Some basic statistics about the ITC congresses are also available. Information on ITC can also be found in Wikipedia “International Teletraffic Congress”.
ITC 36 - Towards Sustainable Digital Infrastructures
02. - 06. June 2025, Trondheim, Norway
ITC 35: Networked Systems and Services
3. October - 5. October 2023, Turin, Italy
ITC 34: Networked Systems and Services
14. September - 16. September 2022, Shenzhen, China (Virtual Conference)
ITC 33: Networked Systems and Services
31. August - 3. September 2021, Avignon, France
ITC 32: Teletraffic in the era of beyond-5G and AI
22. - 24. September 2020, Osaka, Japan
ITC 31: Networked Systems and Services
27. - 29. August, 2019, Budapest, Hungary
ITC 30: Teletraffic in a Smart World
4. - 7. September 2018, Vienna, Austria
ITC 29: Ubiquitous, software-based, and sustainable networks and services
4. - 8. September 2017, Genoa, Italy
ITC 28: Digital Connected World
12.-16. September 2016, Würzburg, Germany
ITC 27: Traffic, Performance and Big Data
08.-10. September 2015, Ghent, Belgium
ITC 26: Teletraffic Contributions Towards a Sustainable World
09.-11. September 2014, Karlskrona, Sweden
ITC 25: Teletraffic in the Cloud
10.-12. September 2013, Shanghai, China
ITC 24: 24th International Teletraffic Congress
4.-7. September 2012, Cracow, Poland
ITC 23: 23rd International Teletraffic Congress
6.-8. September 2011, San Francisco, USA
ITC 22: 22nd International Teletraffic Congress
7.-9. September 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ITC 21: Traffic and Performance Issues in Networks of the Future
15.-17. September 2009, Paris, France
ITC 20: Managing Traffic Performance In Converged Networks - The Interplay Between Convergent And Divergent Forces
17.-21. June 2007, Ottawa, Canada
ITC 19: Performance Challenges for Efficient Next Generation Networks
29. August - 2. September 2005, Beijing, China
ITC 18: Providing QoS in Heterogeneous Environments
31. August - 5. September 2003, Berlin, Germany
ITC 17: Teletraffic engineering in the Internet era
2.-7. December 2001, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
ITC 16: Teletraffic engineering in a competitive world
7.-11. June 1999, Edinburgh, UK
ITC 15: Teletraffic Contributions for the Information Age
22.-27. June 1997, Washington D.C., USA
ITC 14: The Fundamental Role of Teletraffic in the Evolution of Telecommunications Networks
6.-10. June 1994, Juan-les-Pins, France
ITC 13: Teletraffic and datatraffic in a period of change
19.-26. June 1991, Copenhagen, Denmark
ITC 12: Teletraffic Science for New Cost-effective Systems, Networks and Services
1.-8. June 1988, Torino, Italy
ITC 11: Teletraffic issues in an advanced information society
4.-11. September 1985, Kyoto, Japan
ITC 10: Tenth International Teletraffic Congress
8.-15. June 1983, Montreal, Canada
ITC 9: Ninth International Teletraffic Congress
16.-24. October 1979, Torremolinos, Spain
ITC 8: International Teletraffic Congress
10.-17. November 1976, Melbourne, Australia
ITC 7: Application of the Theory of Probability to Telecommunication Research, Engineering and Administration
13.-20. June 1973, Stockholm, Sweden
ITC 6: Sixth International Teletraffic Congress
9.-15. September 1970, Munich, Germany
ITC 5: Fifth International Teletraffic Congress
14.-20. June 1967, New York, USA
ITC 4: Fourth International Teletraffic Congress
15.-21. July 1964, London, UK
ITC 3: Troisieme Congres International de Teletrafic
11.-16. September 1961, Paris, France
ITC 2: The Second International Congress on the Application of the Theory of Probability in Telephone Engineering and Administration
7.-11. July 1958, The Hague, Netherlands
ITC 1: The First International Congress on the Application of the Theory of Probability in Telephone Engineering and Administration
20.-23. June 1955, Copenhagen, Denmark