ITC 22: The 22nd International Teletraffic Congress

7.-9. September 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
General chairs: Hans van den Berg, Rob van der Mei
TPC chairs: Sem Borst, Michel Mandjes, Mark Squillante
Local chairs: Marko Boon, Susanne van Dam
Proceedings: ITC digital library
ITC 22 Awards
- Arne Jensen Lifetime Achievement Award : James W. Roberts
- Best Paper Award : “Balancing SRPT Priorization vs Opportunistic Gain in Wireless Systems with Flow Dynamics” by Bilal Sadiq and Gustavo de Veciana
- Best Student Paper Award : “Fastrack for Taming Burstiness and Saving Power in Multi-Tier Systems” by Andrew Caniff, Lei Lu, Ningfang Mi, Lucy Cherkasova and Evgenia Smirni
ITC 22 Facts
- Number of submissions: 97
- Accepted papers: 35
- Acceptance rate: 36%
- Number of participants: 120