15.-17. September 2009, Paris, France
General chairs: Prosper Chemouil, Daniel Kofman
TPC chairs: Fabrice Guillemin, Michael Menth
Local chairs:
Homepage: https://archive.itc-conference.org/itc21/
Proceedings: ITC digital library
ITC 21 Awards
- Arne Jensen Lifetime Achievement Award : Paul J. Kühn
- Best Paper Award : “A New Statistical Approach to Estimate Global File Populations in the eDonkey P2P File Sharing System” by Sanja Petrovic and Patrick Brown
- Best Student Paper Award : “Maximum Weight Independent Sets in an Infinite Plane” by Jarno Nousiainen, Jorma Virtamo and Pasi Lassila
ITC 21 Facts
- Number of submissions: 174
- Accepted papers: 58
- Acceptance rate: 33%
- Number of participants: 139