ITC 33: Networked Systems and Services
Aug. 31st - Sep. 3rd 2021, Avignon, France (Virtual Conference)
General Chairs
- Rachid Elazouzi - Avignon University, France
- Carla Fabiana Chiasserini - Politecnico di Torino, Italy
TPC Chairs
- Francesco de Pellegrini - Avignon University, France
- Jianwei Huang - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
- Bo Ji - Virginia Tech, US
ITC 33 Program in a Nutshel
- Three keynote were given by:
- Srikant (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) - The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Lyapunov Drift Method: From Data Centers to Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Anja Feldman (Max Planck Institute for Informatics) - Internet Traffic Analysis at Scale
- Rajkumar Buyya ( University of Melbourne, ) - Neoteric Frontiers in Cloud and Edge Computing

ITC 33 Best Paper Award
ITC 33 has set up a Best Paper Award. This award has been offered based on the scientific quality of the paper. From the accepted papers, a list of nominees was selected by a jury composed by the TPC Chairs and the General Chairs.

ITC 33 Facts
- Number of technical sessions: 6
- Number of keynotes: 3
- Number of special sessions (invited talks): 1
- Number of papers (main conference only): 11 full papers / 4 invited papers
- Number of attendees: 144 registrations
- Average Attendance: 58 for the main conference
- Day 1 : 86 participants
- Day 2 : 55 participants
- Day 3 : 34 participants
- Workshops
- Ganoga workshop 36 participants
- Phd workshop 16-24 participants
Welcome Message from ITC 33 General Chairs
On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 33th Edition of International Teletraffic Congress (ITC’33). The conference was scheduled to be held at the University of Avignon, Avignon, France, from August 31 to September 3 2021. Unfortunately, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, it became evident that we would not be able to meet in person and we decided to hold the conference on line . We hope to meet you in Avignon in the years ahead.
The aim of the conference is to provide an international forum that brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to exchange and discuss the latest technical advances in the broad areas of teletraffic models, network systems, and measurements. The organizing committee and the technical program committee of the conference have been working hard to develop a high-quality technical program and make the conference a greater success. We are delighted to welcome you to participate in and contribute to the conference.
Sponsored by the IEEE Communication Society, the IFIP Communication Systems Technical Committee (Performance of Communication Systems Working Group), and the ACM Sigcomm, and co-organized by the University of Avignon, ITC’33 follows thirty two very successful events in Japan, Hungary, Austria, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, China, Poland, The Netherlands, USA, Canada, Brazil, UK, Denmark, Australia and Spain. During this short history, the reputation of ITC has rapidly grown and ITC has become one of the most important conferences in the field of teletraffic models, network systems, and measurements.
The conference would not have been possible without the enthusiastic and hard work of a number of colleagues. We would like to express our appreciation to the Technical Program Chairs, Francesco De Pellegrini, Jianwei Huang and Bo Ji, for their valuable contribution in assembling the high quality conference program. We also thank the workshop chairs Alhusseib Abouzied, Yonggang Wen Nanyang and Stefano Secci, the general local chair, Tania Jimenez,the Publication Chair, Lea Skorin-Kapov and Jocelyne Elias, the international Advisory Council Chair, Michela Meo, the Awards Chair, Prosper Chemouil, the Publicity Chairs, Afaf Arfaoui and Francesco Malandrino, the Publicity Chairs, Fabio Martignon, Vijay Kample, Yuan Wu and Zhiyuan Wang. A conference of this size relies on the contributions of many volunteers, and we would like to acknowledge the efforts of our TPC members and referees for their invaluable help in the review process. We are also grateful to all the authors who trusted the conference with their work.
Special thanks to the Keynote Speakers, Drs. R. Srikant, Rajkumar Buyya and Anja Feldmann, for sharing their expert views on current research topics. We appreciate the support of our sponsors, University of Avignon and Orange Labs.
In closing, we welcome you again to ITC’33. We hope that you will enjoy the program, that you will make the most out of your participation, and that you will come back to ITC for many years to come!
Rachid Elazouzi and Carla Fabiana Chiasserini
General Chairs
ITC 33, 2021
Welcome Message from ITC 33 Technical Program Chairs
In this edition, the ITC conference received 27 submitted manuscripts, a smaller number compared to previous editions. We believe that it is due to the sanitary conditions. However, we have decided to maintain the track of selectivity of the event, so that only 11 regular papers were retained for the final program. Overall, the average quality of the submission has maintained a fairly high standard. In order to integrate the program with further material of interest for the ITC community, 4 invited papers have been selected for inclusion into the program after a review process, and furthermore a session of invited talks has been designed to cover the broad field of AI for networking.
The selection of the program of ITC 2021 has been made possible thanks to the timely efforts in paper review performed by the TPC committee members. The selection process, we believe, has been conducted in a rigorous and fair manner. In particular, each paper has received at least 3 independent reviews made by TPC members, taking into consideration the quality of presentation, the technical soundness, the novelty and originality of the manuscripts. The evaluation scale for each aspect of the evaluation was set to a range between 1 and 5. After consolidating the reviews from the TPC members, the TPC Chairs have settled two thresholds based on the average received score, namely 3.2 and 2.8. Following the general consensus of the respective reviewers, the papers above the first threshold and below the second threshold were marked as accepted and rejected, respectively. The TPC chairs still had to manage a list of 6 papers receiving an evaluation in between those two thresholds out of which 1 paper has been selected.
The final single track program of ITC 2021 reflects, as usual, some core mainstream session themes in wireless networks research, including cellular networks technology, scheduling, medium access control and physical layer aspects. We are extremely glad to introduce two new themes, aligned with recent research trends, namely a session on the age of information theme and two sessions on the theme of artificial intelligence in the wireless domain.
Finally, we have shortlisted 4 papers based on the top tier of the evaluation score. The selection committee, after much consideration, has eventually selected the best paper and the best student paper award of ITC 2021. We hope that you will find the program interesting and that ITC once again asserts itself as a leading venue to advance the state of the art in the field of networking science and practice.
Francesco De Pellegrini, Jianwei Huang and Bo Ji
TPC Chairs
ITC 2021