ITC 32: Teletraffic in the era of beyond-5G and AI
22-24 September 2020, Virtual Conference
General chairs
Masayuki Murata – Osaka University, Japan
Kohei Shiomoto – Tokyo City University, Japan
TPC chairs
Yuming Jiang - NTNU, Norway
Hideyuki Shimonishi - NEC, Japan
Kenji Leibnitz - NICT, Japan
ITC 32 Program in a Nutshell

- Keynotes
- F. Richard Yu (Carleton University, Canada) - From the Internet of Information to the Internet of Intelligence
- Shoji Kasahara (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) - Bitcoin Mining Mechanism: From a Queueing Theory
- Perspective
- Hisashi Kobayashi (Princeton University, USA) - A Stochastic Model of an Infectious Disease
- Masakatsu Fujiwara (NTT, Japan) - Self-evolving zero-touch network operation beyond 5G with AI and user engagemen
- Tutorial
- Koji Yamamoto and Takayuki Nishio (Kyoto University, Japan) - Machine Learning for/in Wireless Networks
- Special Sessions
- Modeling Challenges in the Emerging Internet Applications
Organizer: Phuoc Tran-Gia (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)
Onno Boxma (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands) - Redundancy scheduling
John Daigle (University of Mississippi, USA) - Role of Classical Methods in Supporting Emerging 5G-based Applications
Franco Davoli (University of Genoa, Italy) - Modelling performance and power consumption for lifecycle management and dynamic control of virtualized networking platforms
Nikhil Jain (Qualcomm, USA) - Earth 2.0: Tools to build a better planet
- 6G/AI
Organizers: Merouane Debbah (CentraleSupélec) and Alessio Zappone (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio)
Honggang Zhang (Zhejiang University, China) - Stigmergic Reinforcement Learning with Multi-Agent Collaboration for 6G Networks
Tony Quek (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore) - Modeling, Learning, and Control in 6G
- Sessions
- Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection
- Scheduling and Dispatching Mechanisms
- Performance Analysis and Modeling
- Wireless Networks, 5G, and IoT
- Workshops
Arne Jensen Lifetime Award
The International Advisory Council (IAC) of the International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2020 Arne Jensen Lifetime Award is Prof. Hiroshi Saito

ITC Rising Scholar Award 2019
The goal of the ITC Rising Scholar Award is to recognize young researchers with significant contributions to the ITC Community in the field of performance, traffic modeling and control in communication networks and networking science. It is our pleasure to award the 2020 ITC Rising Scholar Award to Dr. Zhiyuan Jiang, Professor at Shanghai University, China for his outstanding contribution to modelling.

ITC 31 Best Paper Award
HURRA! Human readable router anomaly detection
by Jose M Navarro, and Dario Rossi (Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., France)

ITC 32 Facts
- Paper submissions: 58 registered, 55 submitted
- 20 full papers accepted
- Acceptance rate: 20/55 ~ 36%
- Number of participants: 100.
ITC 32 Student Travel Grants
This year five Student Travel Grants were issued. This years recipients are
- Alessio Diamanti, CNAM & Orange, France
- Thomas Favale, Politecnico Torino, Italy
- Takako Hoshiyama, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Rio Kawasaki, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
- Theo Bouganim, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France

Welcome Message from ITC 32 General Chairs
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to introduce the International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) 32—the 32nd edition of the international flagship congress in the field of networking science and practice. Initially planned to be hosted in Osaka, the first time in Japan since ITC 11 in Kyoto in 1985, ITC 32 is finally held online, as the consequence of the COVID-19 pandemics, which has impacted all events and beyond.
Since its inception, ITC has driven the evolution of communication and networking using contemporary measurement studies, performance analyses of new technologies, and recommendations for provisioning and configuration, but also contributed greatly to the methodological toolbox of network scientists. Currently, during the COVID-19 pandemic times, we are witnessing a rapid increase in the number of online services. This has made us realize the importance of cloud-computing modeling and analysis and Internet hardware infrastructure and software services in providing quality to users. In the new normal post-pandemic era, hundreds of millions of people will start using the cloud and Internet globally. We are confident that teletraffic analysis and measurement will play a key role in efficiently supporting the huge demand that may result from the increasing need for connectivity, computation and storage created by new services and usage.
In this context, the ITC 32 technical program features four timely keynote talks delivered by internationally-known experts, two special sessions addressing current research for upcoming networks and services, four technical sessions on performance and control aspects, one tutorial emphasizing the role of AI in wireless networks, and a PhD workshop, all illustrating teletraffic solutions in the beyond-5G and AI era.
A best paper award will be granted to the best contribution presented at ITC 32 with the support from the International Advisory Committee (IAC), and student travel grants will be provided to support Student Authors. They will be announced in the closing session.
The ITC International Advisory Council (IAC) has set up two major awards: The Arne Jensen Lifetime Achievement Award that recognizes an individual who has provided an exceptional contribution to traffic modeling, control, and performance and dedication to the teletraffic community; and ITC Rising Scholar Award that recognizes a young researcher with significant technical contributions to the ITC community. In 2020, the IAC chaired by Michela Meo (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) has decided to hand over the Arne Jensen Lifetime Achievement Award to Prof. Hiroshi Saito, and the ITC Rising Scholar Award to Dr. Zhiyuan Jiang. In the tradition of ITC, both awards will be presented in a Special IAC Award Session during ITC 32.
The strong technical program of the ITC32 would not be possible without the contributions of all speakers of all sessions, special session organizers/chairs, authors who submitted papers, and reviewers who spend their time to review papers. We would like to express our sincere thanks to them. All members of the organizing committee dedicated to the success of the ITC 32. We would like to express our thanks to all OC members. Organizing the ITC 32 would not have been possible without the strong support from IAC members. We would like to express special thanks to Michela Meo, Zhisheng Niu (Tsinghua University, China), and Prosper Chemouil (Cnam, France).
Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic presents us with several challenges such as threat to life and health, economic slowdown, social distancing, disparity, etc. We hope that ITC 32 will offer a one-of-a-kind opportunity to unite our community as we continue to recover from the current critical situation.
We hope that you will enjoy ITC 32 and will make the event successful with your active participation.
Masayuki Murata (Osaka University, Japan)
Kohei Shiomoto (Tokyo City University, Japan)
Osaka, August 31, 2020
Welcome Message from ITC 32 Technical Program Chairs
On behalf of the Technical Program Committee we are delighted to welcome you to ITC 32, the 32nd International Teletraffic Congress, to be held between 22-24 September 2020. ITC 32 is finally decided to be held online, as the consequence of the COVID-19.
Since its inception in 1955, ITC has been a primary forum to present methodological developments in the design, modeling, analysis, and evaluation of telecommunication systems, networks, protocols and services. ITC32 inherits the tradition and expands its scope along with new technical trends, and finally ITC 32 is specially organized into a mixture of them including performance analysis and modeling, scheduling and dispatching, network monitoring and anomaly detection, wireless networks, 5G and beyond, and IoT.
ITC32 attracted 58 submissions, out of which 55 were included in the review process. The authors of the considered papers were from 21 countries, from 5 continents. 58% of the authors were from Europe, 33% from Asia, and 8% from the Americas.
Each submitted full paper was reviewed by 3-5 TPC members assigned by the TPC cochairs. In total there were about 210 completed reviews for the reviewed papers, on average 3.8 reviews per paper, and each paper received at least 3 completed reviews. After the review deadline, an online TPC meeting was organized to discuss about the papers and reviews, where a particular focus was on the papers with widely varying reviews. Based on the scores and the online discussion, 20 papers were accepted, resulting in an acceptance rate of about 37%.
The accepted papers will be presented during the conference in a single-track format. A selection of the papers will be invited to a special section of the IEICE Transactions on Communications
The presentation of the accepted papers will be complemented by an excellent tutorial and four exciting keynotes, and will be enriched by two special sessions, “Modeling Challenges in the Emerging Internet Applications” and “6G/AI”, and a PhD workshop.
We would like to express our gratitude to the numerous people whose hard work and devotion contributed to the success of ITC 32: starting with the authors who considered submitting their best scientific papers to the conference, the TPC members and the reviewers who spent numerous hours on providing high quality reviews and on engaging in online debates about the papers, and four keynote speakers who have provided leading thoughts. We would also like to thank the members of the International Advisory Council (IAC) of ITC for their help.
HIDEyuki Shimonishi (NEC Corp., Japan)
Yuming Jiang (NTNU, Norway)
Kenji Leibnitz (NICT, Japan)
August 2020