10.-12. September 2013, Shanghai, China
Honorary general chairs: Gaofeng Zhu, Xiongjian Liang
General chairs: Tingjie Lu, Villy B. Iversen
TPC chairs: Zhisheng Niu, Kurt Tutschku, Zhanhong Xin, Moshe Zukerman
Proceedings: ITC digital library
ITC 25 Awards
- Best Paper Award : “IP Mining: Extracting Knowledge from the Dynamics of the Internet Addressing Space” by Pedro Casas, Pierdomenico Fiadino, Arian Bär
- Best Student Paper Award : “Optimal Wake-up Mechanism for Single Base Station with Sleep Mode” by Xueying Guo, Sheng Zhou, Panganamala Kumar, Zhisheng Niu
ITC 25 Facts
- Number of submissions: 91
- Accepted papers: 32
- Acceptance rate: 35%
- Number of participants: 64