ITC 24: The 24th International Teletraffic Congress

4.-7. September 2012, Cracow, Poland
General chairs: Andrzej Jajszczyk, Zdzisław Papir
TPC chairs: Thomas Bonald, Michał Pióro, Iraj Saniee
Local chair: Jerzy Domżał
Proceedings: ITC digital library
ITC 24 Awards
- Arne Jensen Lifetime Achievement Award : Debasis Mitra
- Best Paper Award : “Pull versus Push Mechanism in Large Distributed Networks: Closed Form Result” by Wouter Minnebo, Benny Van Houdt
- Best Student Paper Award : “Anomaly Detection in VoIP Traffic with Trends” by Felipe Mata, Piotr Zuraniewski, Michel Mandjes, Marco Mellia
ITC 24 Facts
- Number of submissions: 74
- Accepted papers: 24
- Acceptance rate: 33%
- Number of participants: 129