ITC 23: The 23rd International Teletraffic Congress

6.-8. September 2011, San Francisco, USA
General chairs: Charles Kalmanek, Deep Medhi
TPC chairs: Åke Arvidsson, Gustavo de Veciana, Steven Low
Local chairs: Gaurav Agrawal, Alex Clemm
Proceedings: ITC digital library
ITC 23 Awards
- Arne Jensen Lifetime Achievement Award : Villy-Baek Iversen
- Best Paper Award : “Bounds on QoS-Constrained Energy Savings in Cellular Access Networks with Sleep Modes” by Balaji Rengarajan, Gianluca A. Rizzo, Marco G Ajmone Marsan
- Best Student Paper Award : “Selfish Content Replication on Graphs” by Valentino Pacifici, György Dán
- Best Student Poster Award Jointly conferred on to
- “Pytomo: A Tool for Analyzing Playback Quality of YouTube Videos” by Parikshit Juluri Louis Plissonneau, Deep Medhi
- “Estimating Optimal Cost of Allocating Virtualized Resources with Dynamic Demand” by Haiyang Qian, Deep Medhi
ITC 23 Facts
- Number of submissions: 115
- Accepted papers: 38
- Acceptance rate: 33%
- Number of participants: 131