ITC 16: Teletraffic engineering in a competitive world

7.-11. 1999, Edinburgh, UK
General chairs: D. Songhurst, N. Milway
TPC chairs: Peter Key, D. G. Smith
Proceedings: ITC digital library
Invited speakers: Scott Shenker, Francois Baccelli, Martin Cave and Alastair Urie.
ITC16 will reflect three major themes:
- New Performance issues arising from the development of new technologies and the convergence of telecommunications and multimedia.
- The impact of an increasingly competitive market.
- The Gathering pace of technical development.
ITC 16 Awards
- Best Student Paper Award : “An Approach to Routing Elastic Flows” by Sara Oueslati-Boulahia and Eliane Oubagha
ITC 16 Facts